Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Just a quick reminder.....this weekend, April 10-11, we are having our once a year blowout sample sale.

What is a sample sale, you might ask? A sample sale is when a store puts their inventory on clearance for a day or two, to make room for the new stuff coming in. You get a great deal on a gorgeous dress, and the store gets the room they need. Good times.

Here are some things to remember:

* It's called a "Sample Sale" for a reason. What you're buying is the floor model- but no worries. Our inventory is in pristine condition. Our "samples" aren't like the samples you see at other stores. They haven't been hanging here for eons being tried on hundreds of brides. Our gowns are all 2009/2010 styles, not something that's been around awhile.

* Sample sales are CASH AND CARRY. This means no lay-aways and no "holds". If you love the dress, buy the dress. If you love it and leave without it, chances are someone else will come along and snap up your dress.

* There may be a wait for a fitting room, so arrive early. The doors open at 9am. We've had brides arrive as early as 6am to get a good place in line.

* Come prepared! Bring your mom, best friend.....whoever you need to help make the decision. And don't forget that wallet. (See above, no "holds").

* The prices go back up on Monday. This sale is only for two days.

That's it! See you there!